Talking about me

                                                          Hello, everyone!
My name is Eilyn, i have 14 years old, i live with my mom and my   brother too have 2 cats.
 I like go to walk, watch the movies, play soccer and cooking with my parents. My favorite food is ocean food and i don´t onion, auyama and beans.

I am person very serious, but when thats my.
friends i have more confidence.
My favorite sport is soccer because, i practice
always and they taught me.

 I like listen the music and podcast, the reggaetón, salsa,
                                                                           music in english among others.
                                                                           The podcast my favorite is histories with famous people
                                                                           or motivational.

I am person with very goals, for example 
be independent, study medicine and specialize 
in plastic surgery, but also i would like that too
be a member of the armed forces.                        I finished my presentation, thank for you attention!!


